” Jasmine is not well. We had to ‘segregate’ her and for a 20-year-old girl it’s very hard. She has a fever of 38, she is exhausted and she has a little cough, the typical things of this damn virus ”. This is what Al Bano tells Adnkronos worried about the health conditions of his daughter Jasmine Carrisi, who he had with his partner Loredana Lecciso, after the same Apulian singer, on her Instagram stories, revealed that she had contacted Covid. ” Important communication – wrote Jasmine on Instagram – I am positive, I took Covid. I’m really a mer …, I’m terribly sick. But it will pass, I hope soon ”. Al Bano explains that his daughter had only taken the first dose of vaccine and was waiting for the second. ” If she hadn’t even done the first one, who knows how she would be today – he continues – it’s hard to see her in those conditions, attacked by a microbe against which you can’t do anything. The vaccine is the salvation of humanity – underlines Al Bano – I read that some no-vax, after being hit by the virus, now appeal to be vaccinated. Everyone is free to live and die as he pleases – continues the singer – but this cannot influence the progress of humanity ”. The Green pass? ” All the precautions needed to ward off the virus must be taken, done and respected – underlines Al Bano- I am reminded of those long lines of 70 years ago near the Cellino San Marco school with a doctor in mind who was doing us to all the smallpox vaccine, I was 8 years old. That was how we were saved from smallpox! “, He concludes. (By Alisa Toaff)