** Bisceglie: in the church an exhibition on eroticism, between live models and lectio by Don Matteo **

From the ‘Noli me tangere’ of Christ to the Magdalene “who while moving away creates desire, eros”, (Copyright don Matteo Losapio) to the Japanese manga “which represent a refined sensuality like that of the Rising Sun”, passing through a dedicated pictorial and photographic exhibition to eroticism, with the possibility of having a model in flesh and blood, who will be portrayed in all her femininity. She clicks the time, or rather rings the bell, of eroticism in the church. “Four days of emotions will involve the Church of Santa Margherita, in Bisceglie”, is the claim of the Urca association, which launches the kermesse on Friday 22 April in the Apulian town, inside the Romanesque-style place of worship in Bari and Barletta, built in the 12th century outside the city walls, now a FAI heritage and used as a place for profane events. Don Matteo Losapio, a young local priest, will also make his contribution in the church, who will give a lesson on eroticism on Sunday: “My words will play on the theme of desire, because in eros, desire is what unifies ‘other, while pornography reduces the other to pieces, and then also the Gospel speaks to us of eroticism, I will quote the encounter between Christ and Mary Magdalene, the noli me tangere, addressed by the redeemer to the woman, who while rejecting him it gives birth to eros, love “, the priest explains to AdnKronos, letting it be known that he will quote essays by Recalcati, Foucault and other contemporary thinkers. For Losapio, eroticism can also find its place in the church: “The house of the Lord seems the furthest away from eros, but it is not like that at all, because God is love and therefore eros, eros is what goes beyond rationality , it cannot be pigeonholed into rigid schemes “, he warns. Losapio priest, ‘young people in the parish ask us to talk about eroticism’ “Many young people in parishes ask us to talk about erotic themes – he adds -. I, who was ordained a priest last September, speak about it not only as a priest, but even as a man, as a straight man, I was also engaged “. “Art – he continues – helps us to look at eros from a pure point of view, without flattening eros, without becoming unified, saying ‘I am this’, in our time we need sexual education, detached from pornography , which relies only on performance, leaving out the affective element which instead belongs to eroticism “. Among the references that will cite on Sunday also that “to the Song of Songs, which is a text with erotic references”. Before Sunday, visitors to the exhibition will be entertained with “drawing sessions from life” (a model “made available” is expected. from Urca itself) on Friday, then double appointment on Saturday, first with a photography workshop organized by the photographer from Bisceglie Giandomenico Veneziani, and then with a conference on Japanese erotic art in collaboration with the ‘Momiji’ association from Bari. “Eroticism in the Church? Interesting, there is no vulgarity, but it is the beauty of the human body, which in comics is highlighted as a discreet story, male and female characters are first of all human figures and not objects”, says the president of the Andrea yuu dentutu association, recalling the sensitivity of the Rising Sun also for erotic themes: “We will present light, artistic illustrations”, he assures. event with common patronage, organized by the 21Closing Association on Monday 25th, when the works produced in the workshops of the first two days will be presented. For all four days, however, it will be possible to visit the Church and admire the works of over thirty Apulian artists, created specifically for ‘Erotika’. “The event, organized with the patronage of the City of Bisceglie, and with the support of the association 21, will be totally free and will respect the current anti-Covid regulations”, remind the organizers, inviting citizens to go to church.