Netflix, advertising coming within 2 years? The hypothesis

Will the ad hit Netflix in a year or two? The hypothesis is increasingly concrete, judging by the words of the company’s CEO, Reed Hastings, reported by Deadline. The platform has to deal with the drop of 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter of 2022. The introduction of advertising would make it possible to keep the price of subscriptions under control, especially perhaps for the lower-end packages. “Those who follow Netflix know that I have been against the complexity of advertising and that I have advocated the simplicity of the subscription. But I support even more the possibility of choice for consumers. It makes sense to allow consumers, who would like to have a lower price and they are not averse to advertising, to get what they want. It is something that we are looking at, we will evaluate in a year or two. We are quite open to the idea of ​​offering lower priced subscriptions with advertising, based on the choice of the consumer “, the manager’s words.