Maneskin and ‘fuck Putin’, social storm after Coachella

“Free Ukraine, fuck Putin”. The Maneskins with Ukraine and against Vladimir Putin. The band, in the words of frontman Damiano David, takes a stand from the stage of the Coachella Festival in California in relation to the ongoing war. Approval and thanks come from Kiev. On social media, a traditional battleground on any issue, the controversy flares up, between messages of support and criticism of the band. Chef Rubio addresses the band hoping for a direct commitment also for Palestine. Read also Among the replicas, Damiano David’s stands out: “For me two sausages”. A joke that further lights up the tweets of those who accuse the band of “following the wave”, “making propaganda” and acting as “plagiable and blackmailable guys who do not know what they are saying”. And how do the Maneskins respond? The frontman returns to the topic on his Instagram profile, summarizing a series of accusations and offenses in a screenshot. Commenting on the collage, a sentence on a black background: “Welcome to Italy”, writes David.