Thirty years of life for Tg4. Born thanks to a ‘midwife’ known to all as the Mammì Law who granted direct coverage to private networks, the first real Mediaset news bulletin initially had a ‘pink’ slant because in the idea of Silvio Berlusconi Rete4 had to address women primarily and perhaps not by chance, the first to direct it in 1991 was precisely a woman, Edvige Bernasconi, but only for a year. As early as 1992, Emilio Fede from Studio Aperto (on Italia1) arrived to remain at the helm of Tg4 until 2012: twenty years in which politics was the main dish of the magazine, always with a curious look towards fashion and costume and in which the editions have increased as well as their duration. ” Tg4 was unique – Fede tells Adnkronos – its characteristic was the speed of the story. He did not dwell on words and colors but only on facts ”. In the wake of the importance of ” speed ” on a newscast, Fede remembers when, just one year, in a hurry and in the middle of the night he was the first to go on the air with ‘Studio Aperto’ just when Silvia Kramar of ‘Il Giornale’ announced the outbreak of the Gulf War from the United States ”. ” We have suffered but we have never missed news – underlines Fede – I have raised very faithful children morally and professionally, a group of journalists that I still see often today and with whom I go out to eat a pizza ”. And on the lectures he gave to his reporters who remained in history, the former director of Tg4 comments: “ I have always wanted to tell without using a shower of adjectives and I have taught many colleagues who have been with me for years. Many journalists who are on the square today – Fede reiterates – were born on Tg4 and have learned that the reporter strips off adjectives and tells only what he sees, the facts, the reality! “. Among the ‘discoveries’ of Fede also Paolo Brosio : “He called me for a reunion and I’ll go there to hug them all – he assures – I remember that (Brosio, ed.) Came from the newspapers and offered to be welcomed into the Tg4 group. I made him do a test that lasted just half an hour and in which I said: ‘Okay, you are a good reporter, you are hired’, and from there he made his way, also with the help of Our Lady ”, concludes. “Tg4 was my ‘first home’, my springboard, after 15 years of newspaper, to the ‘Nazione’ and the ‘Secolo XIX’. I was taken as a correspondent and had a crazy career – Paolo Brosio tells the Adnkronos – I crossed the doors of Mediaset in Milan 2 in 1991 and the Gulf War had just broken out. I arrived at a terrible moment. The first time I went out with the camera for Tg4 I made a crazy scoop – he continues – I made people talk in Quarto Oggiaro an entrepreneur victim of the ndrangheta racket who had burned the company. I entered the hospital where he was hospitalized for burns dressed as a nurse and I gave him a 10-minute interview where he said that they had asked him for the lace and since he hadn’t given in they had burned the place and he got burned to save him. It was a huge revelation. Then I scooped the Moby Prince – continues Brosio – I found the video of the 5 minutes before the explosion. Thanks to that video – reveals – in the bow thruster room they discovered that there was semtex, an explosive potential of the Army Special Forces. It was an incredible discovery. ” But between one scoop and the next Brosio does not forget the lectures of Faith that have made history: “Every day he disputed something to someone – he says bursting into a thunderous laugh – among the funniest anecdotes there is one in particular: it was a September 20, 1994, my birthday and ‘Striscia’ sent me the Gabibbo with the cake. When he saw this thing he went into a rage. I had to go on the air and I had this Gabibbo behind and I couldn’t get rid of it, so I burst the end of the world. ” To remember the old days, the former correspondent of Tg4 next Friday organized a reunion at the Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte in Viareggio where there will also be Emilio Fede, reveals: ” We will do an interview with Stefano Zurlo de ‘ Il Giornale ‘and with the director of’ La Nazione ‘in Florence. We will talk about current events but also about the past and about Tg4. I am very excited “, concludes Brosio. After the Faith era, also marked by several controversies on the running of the Tg and, in particular, on the favor and manifesto to Berlusconi who in those years (’94) went down into the political arena to stay there, Giovanni Toti, current governor of the Liguria Region, arrived who, precisely because of his entry into politics in 2014, left the post then entrusted to Mario Giordano. With him, the main edition of 18.55 steered on the inquiries concerning everyday life, with a certain regard for citizens who are victims of injustices. Politics and crime news, however, always at the center according to an editorial line that, however, Alessandro Cecchi Paone, called to lead Tg4 in 2016, challenged to the point of giving up everything in a few months. But Giordano’s management continued on its path until 2018 when Rosanna Ragusa, former co-director of Videonews, arrived to succeed him. A solo start that soon became a double helmsman’s navigation: after a few months Gerardo Greco took over the direction of Tg4, while Ragusa remained as co-director. And even Greco, like Fede, has given his face to Tg4. But, as they say, the wheel turns. And in 2019 the management returned to Rosanna Ragusa while Tg4 underwent a structural change with the reorganization of Mediaset information, becoming from an independent newspaper to a product of the editorial team directed by Andrea Pucci, NewsMediaset. And Ragusa has returned to play the role of co-director of the magazine to which the information spaces of Cologno Monzese (except TG5 and Videonew) belong, with specific delegation to Tg4 which, after a period full of studio guests and a shift towards the formula of the talk, in 2020 he left his studio (studio 4 in Cologno Monzese), to be definitively broadcast by studio 15 which hosts the TGcom24 scenography. Translated: no more self-study or studio guests. And so this birthday that tomorrow brings the life of Tg4 to 6 decades will be celebrated with Andrea Pucci as director. (by Alisa Toaff)