Rai world / Events and news

In the appointment with “Ulysses, the pleasure of discovery” broadcast tomorrow at 21.25 on Rai 1, we will go to the discovery of one of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean: Sardinia. Alberto Angela travels to an unusual Sardinia, far from the most famous tourist destinations: a unique land, in search of colors, sounds, smells and signs that characterize it. The color of the sea and the stone. The sound of the wind and voices. The smell of cistus and helichrysum. The signs of the many civilizations that from time to time have invaded it, without ever dominating it. An island that is almost a continent. From the beaches of Maddalena and Asinara to the mines of Sulcis, from the stones of the nuraghi to the Roman remains, from the basilica of Saccargia to the walls of Alghero: a tale punctuated by stories, traditions, legends that make this land a magical and mysterious place. The great English traveler Herbert Lawrence defined it as follows: “Sardinia is another thing … Crests of hills like moorland … that are lost, perhaps, towards a group of peaks … Enchanting space around and distance to travel, nothing of finished, nothing definitive. It is like freedom itself ”. A worker priest who has always been in conflict with the ecclesiastical hierarchies and a woman who treats the wounds of migrants from the Balkan route are the protagonists of the second episode of “What am I doing here – In your hands”, broadcast tomorrow at 9.30 pm on Rai 3 Domenico Iannacone will enter the lives of two witnesses of our time, apparently distant, but united by the same idea of ​​welcome. Don Alessandro Santoro is a priest without a parish. He celebrates mass in a prefabricated building in Le Piagge, a poor and disadvantaged neighborhood of Florence. A priest against the tide who often clashed with the vision of a Church anchored in the past, paying for his radical choices in person. In Trieste Lorena Fornasir, a retired psychologist, treats the tortured bodies of human beings every day forced to march for months along the route that reaches the heart of Europe from the peripheries of the world. With the help of her husband, Gian Andrea Franchi, and the volunteers of the “Linea d’Ombra” association, Lorena performs a gesture that she brings back to the sacred: she washes and treats the mangled feet of migrants. On March 1, 1922, 100 years ago, the writer Beppe Fenoglio was born, singer of an unorthodox, sanguine, indelible Resistance. Through a rereading of its pages, “Terza Pagina” – the cultural talk of Rai5 conducted by Licia Troisi aired for the first time tomorrow at about 5.55 pm on Rai 5 – goes in search of the reasons for the current events of the Resistance to discover the lesser-told protagonists . A tribute to Beppe Fenoglio and to all those, writers and not, who have told a historical period of fundamental importance. Guests of the episode, Emanuele Bevilacqua, university professor and journalist; Alessandro Masi, General Manager of the Dante Alighieri Society; and Igiaba Scego, writer. Rai Movie, “The secret of a family” – Rai4, thrilling Saturday with “Cold Blood – Without peace” The Argentine director Pablo Trapero, after “The clan”, Silver Lion in Venice in 2015 , returns to tell secrets, betrayals and family tensions in the film “The secret of a family”. The stars of the film, premiered on Rai Movie (digital terrestrial channel 24) tomorrow at 21.10, are Martina Gusman and Bérenice Bèjo. After long years of absence, and following her father’s stroke, Eugenia returns to La Quietud, the family estate near Buenos Aires, where she reunites with her mother and sister. The three women are forced to face the emotional traumas and dark secrets of the past they shared against the backdrop of the military dictatorship. Long-dormant grudges and jealousies emerge, all amplified by the disturbing physical resemblance between the two sisters, who discover they have more in common than they ever thought.Saturday thriller on Rai4 (digital terrestrial channel 21) with the film “Cold Blood – Without Peace”, broadcast tomorrow at 21.20. Directed by Frédéric Petitjean and starring Jean Reno and Sarah Lindt, Cold Blood tells the story of Henry, a former assassin who took refuge for a lonely life in the Canadian mountains. The man’s everyday life is turned upside down by the discovery of Melody, a girl who was injured in an accident, whom Henry takes to her cabin to look after her until she is better. But when a Los Angeles detective arrives in the area to look for the girl, the ex-killer will have to get back into action one last time. With a glacial atmosphere immersed in the snow of the Canadian mountains, Cold Blood links its appeal to the charisma of Jean Reno, called to review the role as a tormented tough guy who made him an undisputed star of European action cinema in the 90s. changes, rebirths and metamorphoses in the literary journey of Tgr Petrarca, the cultural weekly edited by Simonetta Rho and hosted by Elisabetta Terigi broadcast tomorrow at 12.55 on Rai 3. The journey starts from the rooms of the archaeological gallery of the Royal Museums of Turin – which marks the rebirth of the Museum of Antiquities of the House of Savoy – and continues in Lombardy with the touching testimony of Marco Dell’Acqua in the book “I was born after my son” and that of the mountaineer Mario Curnis with “Eighteen chestnuts. The mountains, the woods, happiness “. Stories of pain and rebirth, however, are those of the new novel by Gaia Rayneri “A book of healing” and the show signed by Mario Martone and Ippolita di Mayo, taken from the book by Goliarda Sapienza “Il filo di mezzogiorno”, while the metamorphoses they are at the center of the reflections of the philosopher Emanuele Coccia. And again, a country reinvented at the center of Roberto Camurri’s novel “Something in the fog” and the poem that becomes a song with Angelo Branduardi, the 70-year-old author of an autobiography entitled “Confessioni di un marandrino”. At Tgr Petrarca, as always, the literary film, reading advice from a Venetian bookshop and the “Fresh from the press” shelf. In closing, the poem “Le ali del corvo” by Primo Levi, read by Walter Malosti for a tribute to the Turin writer who died 35 years ago. On Rai Storia ‘Hands on the city’ by Francesco Rosi – Rai Radio1, at “Eta Beta” digital trial: A film of denunciation and civil commitment that won the director Francesco Rosi the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival in 1963: it is “Hands on the city”, broadcast tomorrow at 21.10 on Rai Storia for the cycle ” Cinema Italia “. In the cast, Rod Steiger, Guido Alberti, Marcello Cannavale, Alberto Canocchia, Salvo Randone. The protagonist of the film is Edoardo Nottola, a building builder and municipal councilor in Naples, willing to do anything to achieve his goals. A film of denunciation and civil commitment that made director Francesco Rosi win the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival in 1963: it is “Le mani sulla città”, broadcast tomorrow at 21.10 on Rai Storia for the “Cinema Italia” cycle. In the cast, Rod Steiger, Guido Alberti, Marcello Cannavale, Alberto Canocchia, Salvo Randone. The protagonist of the film is Edoardo Nottola, a builder and city councilor in Naples, willing to do anything to achieve his goals. Every day a wave of information overwhelms our lives. And it reshapes them: if before our priorities were about objects, now instead they focus on data. It is they, including cell phones, selfies, social networks and artificial intelligence, who continually stimulate our attention. So the question is: are we still able to stay in touch with reality? Or is it time to go back to dealing with concrete, modest and everyday things? It is from the thesis of the book Le non cose, by the philosopher Byung-chul Han, that the reflection of the Easter episode of “Eta Beta”, broadcast tomorrow at 11.30, on Rai Radio 1 and available in podcast on the website www.etabeta.rai, starts. .it or on the RaiPlaySound app. Guests at the microphone by Massimo Cerofolini: Luca Peyron, author of the essay Digital Incarnation and director of the Service for the Digital Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Turin, one of the first services on a global level that deals with the connection between digital and faith; Marco Landi, former world president of Apple and creator of the Festival on artificial intelligence underway in Cannes. The evolution of the conflict in Ukraine and the fight against Covid with the start of the vaccination campaign for the fourth dose: these are the main themes of the episode of Agorà Weekend, broadcast tomorrow from 8 on Rai 3. Among the guests there will be: Massimo Franco, Corriere della Sera columnist; Linda Laura Sabbadini, columnist La Repubblica – La Stampa; Federico Monga, director Il Mattino; Franca Giansoldati, The Messenger; Fabio Dragoni, The Truth; Pietro Batacchi, director of the Italian Defense Magazine; Matteo Bassetti, director of Infectious Diseases S. Martino Genova.

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