Mogol: “Mahmood-Blanco and Achille Lauro at Eurovision Song also excellent for Siae”

“I don’t watch TV, I haven’t even seen the Sanremo Festival … but of course having two Italian artists, the couple Mahmood & Blanco and Achille Lauro, at the Eurovision Song Contest, is certainly excellent news also seen under the SIAE profile, on a promotional level it is certainly a positive aspect “. This is what Giulio Rapetti, aka Mogol, president of SIAE and founder of the Centro Europeo di Toscolano school-university observes, interviewed by AdnKronos. “The more music you make, the more music you listen to, the more music you buy and the more music you dance and the better it is for the Italian art and music industry”, he comments. “By coincidence, I saw Achille Lauro’s performance because I was in San Marino”, Mogol reports, with reference to the ‘Una Voce per San Marino’ event which – like the Sanremo Festival – assigned a place to the event once known with the name of Eurofestival; place earned precisely by Achille Lauro with his victory, thus flanking Mahmood and Blanco in turn triumphant in Sanremo 2022. “The Eurovision Song Contest, after the victory of Maneskin last year, has become an important international showcase for Italian music and for its diffusion all over the world – underlines Mogol, author of the recent volume ‘Oltre le parole’, a commented anthology of his texts – this is very important, it has been since the days of Domenico Modugno and ‘Volare’ … and this is also good for the Sanremo Festival itself, for Rai which broadcasts the two shows and, obviously, also for our Siae “. Another good news, Mogol observes,” comes from the announced reopening of discos and dance halls, hoping that there is always an improvement in the situation compared to Covid, for which we must never stop thanking the doctors, nurses, scientists and vaccines. In this sense, it is really worrying that, speaking of It alia, there are still five million No Vax who fail to understand how the enemy is not the vaccine but the virus and who continue to listen not to science but to the many lies circulating on social media. On the other hand, there are still people, even of culture, who believe in magicians and superstitions … “. (By Enzo Bonaiuto)