Belen: “Cosmetic surgery? With my face I do what I want”

“With my face I do what I want. They think I’m going to work and instead of going home I go to the plastic surgeon. Criticisms bother me at first, then I let them slip over me.” To say it is Belen Rodriguez, guest of ‘Verissimo’ in the episode of Sunday 20 February. “I don’t understand – says the showgirl – how you can give these people the right to speak on social networks, we need laws”. After the end of the love story with Antonino Spinalbese, Belen happily declares herself single. “Today I am fine. At the moment I am engaged to my cats. Living alone is easier – she reveals – For many years I have always been someone else’s eternal girlfriend: there have always been long periods in which I broke up and recovered. I know I’m a bungler, but mine is not lightness, it’s that I often lack enthusiasm “. She then confides to Silvia Toffanin: “It is not easy to be mothers with two children of different parents. I wanted to believe in it for a second time and I paid the consequences. I suffered a lot for both separations. I would have liked a family with the same man. , but I’m happy all the same “.