Sebastiano Somma brings together the two Lucio, Dalla and Battisti, at the Ghione theater in Rome

Dalla and Battisti is a concert that never took place, but which can now somehow relive ‘posthumously’ thanks to the theatrical and musical proposal of Sebastiano Somma, protagonist of ‘Lucio meets Lucio’: a show that, after the seasonal debut on Thursday at the Ghione theater in Rome, it will be shown in Jesolo, Ostuni, at the Duse theater in Bologna. “Two very different personalities – observes Somma, who also directs the show, interviewed by AdnKronos – They had two separate artistic paths, which could at a certain point cross each other in a tour that unfortunately never managed to organize. Our show, however, does not want to be just a concert with a series of covers, but a real theatrical story in music “, he underlines. “It all started – says the actor – from an idea of ​​two musicians, the saxophonist Sandro Deidda and the pianist Guglielmo Guglielmi, who decided to arrange the compositions of Battisti and Dalla, as well as from Liberato Santarpino who wanted to weave a story around to the pieces that we propose in the show, of which I take care of the direction, made up of music, words and images “. Sebastiano Somma observes that” Dalla and Battisti belong to a boundless tide of people, to those who lived the golden years of Italian singer-songwriters and with them he grew up: and therefore, they also belong to me who am an actor by trade. And as I draw from the great authors to take to the theater, from Miller to Sciascia, from Pirandello to Shakespeare, I also draw such writers and poets as Lucio Dalla and Lucio Battisti are for me and for many “. (by Enzo Bonaiuto)