Sanremo 2022, Mahmood and Blanco also win on social networks

Absolute peak of citations on the net: 1.5 million for the final evening of # Sanremo2022 and almost 900 thousand tweets in a few hours. This is the network study conducted by Helene Pacitto, CEO of Identità Digitale for AdnKronos. Winners of the evening and of the Mamhood and Blanco Festival who recorded 130 thousand tweets climbing the top of the twitter trend, over 600 thousand citations on the net and a positive sentiment of 40%. Overall, the 2022 edition of the Sanremo Festival was very social and involved a wide range of generations, for 42.2% between 18 and 24 years, for 48.3% between 25 and 34 and for the 8.3% between 35 and 44 years. A predominantly female social audience for 62%. On a global scale, 85% of users are located in Italy, 3.9% in the United States, 2% in Spain, 1.8% in India, 1.3% in Great Britain. Brittany, 0.5% Argentina and 0.4% Brazil. Sabrina Ferilli, guest of Amadeus, enchants with her “non” monologue in which she transversely talks about the most common problems and the hottest topics, but without going too far into the merits and concluding with a praise to lightness not to be confused with superficiality. Social media went wild with an appreciation rate of 50.3% and over 90,000 citations online. He conquered the Ariston, the home audience and the followers. Fiorella Mannoia’s tweet in favor of her recorded over 11,000 likes and 800 shares. For Elisa, almost 100,000 mentions on the net, a positive sentiment of 31%. At the end of the evening and more precisely at 3:30 in the morning she posted a tweet with a video that in a few hours has already made 75 thousand views and 10 thousand likes. For Gianni Morandi, ranked third by the Sanremo 2022 Festival, the network talked about him citing him about 70 thousand times with a positive sentiment of 30.1%. TikTok triumphs as the most used social network of network influencers and among the most active of the evening, related to # Sanremo2022 we find in first position Matteo Stanga, on TikTok with a funny video of performance anxiety of a singer before going on stage, which has achieved 130 thousand likes and 600 shares. Following Lollobarollo with his 525 thousand followers and unexpectedly a video clip of AC Milan – official profile. The fourth position, on the other hand, moves to Twitter with the tweet of the Eurovision Song Contest account which announces the victory of Mamhood and Blanco already giving the appointment on 10/14 May 2022. And from Youtube, The Jackal are reconfirmed. ” a total of almost 7 million citations of Sanremo2022, it is an incredible figure and extended to the whole national territory – comments Helene Pacitto, CEO of Identità Digitale – we also found that the Festival was commented in most of the world. This year the ‘Fantasanremo’ contributed a lot to unleashing the social networks and was the protagonist of these five evenings. The words ‘papalina’ and ‘aunt mara’ have been mentioned on the net almost 1.5 million times and all the actions of the singers who participated in this parallel competition to acquire bonuses and scores have really entertained the public from home so much that has poured in a nice way on social networks. I think – concludes Pacitto – that for the next edition we can work on a broader and more engaging project for the public on the net also for fantasanremo, today digital innovation allows us to measure and analyze performance and the web with extreme precision and this it could certainly be a new beginning for other television companies as well ”.