‘Tu per Tu’, volunteering and music together sing the post-Covid rebirth

The song by the duo Musica Nuda, written by Pacifico, born from the collaboration between the singer Petra Magoni, the musician Ferruccio Spinetti and Cesvot, Centro voluntary services Tuscany, to “sing the rebirth” after the Covid pandemic. “Tu per Tu wants to be the celebration of a meeting: we decided to ask art and music in particular to sing la rinascitaù2,” explains Federico Gelli, president of Cesvot, the Tuscan voluntary association that has decided to involve Musica Nuda in an initiative that brings together art and volunteering in a single song. “The world of volunteering, as well as the world of entertainment, have suffered a lot in this pandemic year: the possibility of meeting again, the strength of ‘being a group, the comfort of being together; the help given and received is often lacking. For this reason, ‘Tu per Tu’ celebrates the vital force of the encounter also through the choice of the musical genre, a pop song with simple usability, with a danceable rhythm and with catchy melodies, in which the subject of the song is the strength of the relationship with the other, even with those who suffer and appear far away, with those who have fallen, fallen and carry the tattoo of the past under their skin, as the lyrics of the song say “.