Palermo director Ienzi flies with Raizes to Barcelona Contemporary Art

The international journey of the Palermo-based company Raizes Teatro continues, which on 24 June, at 7.30 pm, at the Valid Gallery, World Hall in Barcelona, ​​will present in absolute preview the performance “Activists – Free to Be”, a one-act dedicated to ShadyHabash, Patrick Zaki , Sarah Hegazi, Roman Bondarenko and Marielle Franco. Conceived by Alessandro Ienzi, the theatrical piece brings to the stage Patrick Andrade Mendes, Paola Caruso, Francesco Campolo, Andrea Ciancimino, Maria Giovanna Picone. Barcelona Contemporary Art Fair, in its second edition, will once again host artists from all over the world, established in the fields of visual arts, sculpture, painting, video art and theatrical performance and live dance. Organized by Its Liquid Group, the event – which will end on 11 July – is about New Identities and Future Landascapes, promoting over 70 selected artists from all over the world (from the United States to China, from various European countries to the Middle East) , capable of opening new perspectives and new visions of the world, its spaces and its inhabitants. “The stop at Barcelona Contemporary Art is the demonstration that art must be designed and starts from the observation of the world and its structures on which we must reflect and that we must dream of modifying to make it even more livable and even more human – says Ienzi – ; it’s nice that the fruit of our work in Palermo has so much approval around the world. We are alive inside and our art always starts from local stories and commitment, transforming itself into universal. ”“ With my companions we did a long research on the dynamics that contrast some human beings to others. Activists is the eternal story of the good versus the bad. The ‘bad guys’ wear hats, colored shirts and jeans – says Patrick Andrade Mendes, the Cape Verdean actor involved in the performance -: from time to time those who discard their hat are opposed to them and tell their story and their desire for freedom “. Also in this case, the scene will be bare and the only elements capable of suggesting the places will be the costumes and bodies of the actors who, by changing the rhythms and sounds, will accompany the spectators on a journey of music and words, from Egyptian prisons to favelas. Brazilian. The performance will then be staged live in Palermo in July. On Sunday 11 July, the Sole Luna Doc Film Festival will host a meeting to deepen the Raizes project and, to follow, in an Italian preview, “Free To Be” will be staged.