Sanremo Festival: the 22 big names announce the titles of their songs in the competition

The titles of the songs that the 22 big players (in addition to the three young finalists: Yuman the winner, Tananai and Matteo Romano to complete the podium) will bring to the Sanremo Festival, from 1 to 5 February at the Ariston, announced by the artists themselves. . On the stage of the Casino, reserved for the evening at ‘Sanremo Giovani’, the singers flanked by Amadeus – who arrived for the occasion aboard a vintage car with an unlikely light blue color and who, towards the end of the broadcast, greets Pippo Baudo, conceding that ‘Sanremo Giovani’ invented it himself … – between clips of their hits and video encouragement of their colleagues, they revealed the titles of their songs. Le Vibrazioni with ‘Tantissimo’, Highsnob & Hu (to them the encouragement of Negramaro) with ‘Take care of you’, Ditonellapiaga with Rector with ‘Chemistry’, Irama with ‘Wherever you will be’, Fabrizio Moro with ‘Sei tu’, Achille Lauro (Fiorello appeared in his clip of the evening) with ‘Domenica’, Aka 7even (backed in video by the Neapolitan fellow citizen Gigi D’Alessio) with ‘Perfect as it is’, Ana Mena (Spanish, the only ‘foreigner’ in the race) with ‘Two hundred thousand hours’, The List Representative with ‘Ciao ciao’, Giusy Ferreri with ‘Honey’, Gianni Morandi (who remembered Claudio Villa, who died when he won together with Enrico Ruggeri and Umberto Tozzi with ‘You can give more’ and Lucio Dalla when he himself presented him in Sanremo for the last performance before he died) with ‘Open all the doors’, Noemi with ‘I love you I don’t know how to say’, Giovanni Truppi (the best wishes of a winner arrived for him, Diodato) with ‘Your father, my mother, Lucia’, Michele Bravi with ‘Winter of flowers’, Emma with’ Every time it is like this ‘, Rkomi (for him a’ good luck ‘from Tommaso Paradiso) with’ Insuperabile ‘, Elisa (in connection from home, because she was hit by Covid) with’ O maybe it’s you ‘, Mahmood & Blanco with’ Broglie ‘, D’Argen D’Amico (supported in video by Malika Ayane) with ‘Dove si balla’, Massimo Ranieri (missing from the Festival for 25 years) with ‘Lettera al di là del mare’, Iva Zanicchi (record of victories, three, in Sanremo) with ‘I want to love you’, Sangiovanni (with the video greetings of Caterina Caselli who was the same age as her when she made her debut with ‘Nobody can judge me’) with ‘Farfalle’. Have a nice flight to all! (By Enzo Bonaiuto)