‘Aladin’ flies back to the Brancaccio theater in Rome for a ‘brilliant’ musical

A ‘brilliant’ musical: never was the definition more appropriate for the subtitle, given that two genes are exhibited, the traditional one of the lamp and the original one of the ring, to make ‘Aladin’ fly again above the audience of the Brancaccio Theater in Rome, for over a month from December 2nd to January 9th. In the role of protagonists Giovanni Abbracciavento for Aladin and Emanuela Rei – at the cinema in this period with the film ‘A monstrous family’ alongside Massimo Ghini, Lucia Ocone, Lillo and Paolo Calabresi – as Jasmine the daughter of the sultan, while the two geniuses are interpreted by Umberto Noto and Michele Savoia, all directed by the creator of the show and director Maurizio Colombi. “I hope that this musical, as a family show, is a welcome gift for all families – hopes Colombi – The story is inspired by the original fairy tale taken from ‘The Thousand and One Nights’ where the presence of two geniuses is foreseen, that of the lamp and that of the ring, both sons of Gaea the goddess of the Earth, of which we wanted to invent a sort of prequel and sequel. itself but for another person, otherwise they will not be realized. And here the comic fabric of the musical is also intertwined within the love story between Aladin and Jasmine. The staging – the director emphasizes – is reminiscent of a cartoon. And compared to the previous edition, we will have a more technological ‘flight’ than Aladin on the flying carpet: a choice that can be defined as courageous but which absolutely cannot be spoiled “. Spoilerable, however, are the altruistic desires that the two actors would express. protagonists, if they really were in possession of a magic lamp. “I would like people to finally be able to experience moments of leisure and light-heartedness again”, promises Emanuela Rei, already Jasmine in the previous edition, which was longer than half an hour; while the new entry Giovanni Abbracciavento recalls “the joy of being able to give up everything and spend carefree hours, perhaps coming to the theater for two hours to see this beautiful musical!”. (by Enzo Bonaiuto)

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