Codacons presents the calendar dedicated to the ‘unconventional’ family

The new Codacons 2022 social calendar, dedicated to the unconventional family and the rights of the Lgbtqi + people, will be presented tomorrow. Twelve shots signed by Tiziana Luxardo to tell non-traditional, homogenitorial, extended, gay, lesbian, trans, with or without children families. The intent is to deal with this issue not from an ideological point of view but by creating an empathic and emotional impact: they are families that have been working for many years, some intertwine complicity in life, others collaboration at work, all are based on respect. 12 images that frame each family with an element of color and that break stereotypes by telling, with the sensitivity of Tiziana Luxardo, 12 stories of as many de facto families, to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Among the shots, the one dedicated to Edda Billi stands out, one of the first homosexual women declared in Italy and honorary president of Affi, who has made her great love for women her political path. Then there is the one dedicated to Maria Laura Annibali with his wife Lidia. Activist and documentary maker, since 2014 Maria Laura is President of the Di ‘gay project association. In the Codacons 2022 Calendar there is no shortage of the extended family, solid as a pyramid, and the elderly couple, apparently traditional, who have happily lived together 50 years of different sexual choices. “Last year our 2021 ‘Italienza’ calendar dedicated to female beauty had aroused controversy from some feminist associations who saw in the woman’s body a commodification and pornography that did not actually exist, to the point that even the art critic Vittorio Sgarbi intervened to condemn these sterile polemics – says President Carlo Rienzi – We are sure that the 2022 Calendar, like last year, will provoke protests from moralists, bigots and right-thinking people, who will want to burn our work “.

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