Music, the new record of the deputy-singer: ‘Sereno’ by Simone Baldelli (Fi) is released

The deputy-singer returns with a new record. Imitator so good that he worked on “Mai dire Talk” with Gialappa’s (at the time he was playing the role of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte), Simone Baldelli is a Forza Italia deputy, one that Silvio Berlusconi defines as a “pure politician” and who was among the leaders of the no front when they held the referendum for the cut of parliamentarians, which closely follows the constitutional and regulatory reforms, awarded with awards for the battles in defense of consumers and motorists. Between one session of the Chamber and the next, at night or during the weekend he transforms himself into a stand-up comedian, songwriter and crooner with warm Latin sounds, and cartoonist. From Friday, Baldelli’s new single will be on the radio and digitally available ‘Sereno’ (Ma-Và Music Label), the latest from the upcoming unreleased album. In a milonga musical setting, the solitude that dances is taken by the hand and guided by the soul of the listener, accompanied by the notes of the bandoneón, an instrument similar to the accordion that expresses all the passion and emotionality of the Argentine atmosphere. ‘Sereno’ is produced and arranged by Filadelfo Castro (producer, arranger and composer for many nationally and internationally renowned artists, including Tiziano Ferro, Pooh, Al Di Meola, Chris Joyce of Simply Red) and written by Simone Baldelli himself in collaboration with Stefano Paviani. “Just two months after my imitation of Laura Boldrini, I was elected vice president of the House when she was the president. A surreal situation,” Baldelli told Adnkronos, 49 on 25 October. “I have known Berlusconi and have loved him for 20 years, he also liked the first record I made – he says – Because I’ve always been singing, since I was a kid, and on Friday my new single will be released, a compendium of pop, Latin genre However, I would not separate the political career from that of a singer and imitator – says the honorable forceist – When you do politics you must have the ability to know how to deal with it with irony and self-irony and when you do satire you must have the ability to do it seriously. Irony helps you to survive politics, in satire you must have political skills “. The source of inspiration of the artist-deputy is” the daily life of the common citizen who nowadays must be protected, who is afraid to open the mailbox and find yourself discarding a fine or a bureaucratic charge, a tax bill “. And perhaps it is to the citizen pressured by payments and deadlines that he dedicates the words of his latest ‘effort’: “When the wind blows away all kinds of clouds, the serene arrives. And in a difficult and complex period like this there is really a great need for serenity “.

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