Green pass work, PA guidelines from controls to smart working

Mandatory green pass at work for public employees from 15 October. What are the rules? How do the controls work? How is the verification carried out? Do users need the Green pass? Is the certificate used to carry out smart working in the PA? The guidelines clarify the situation. GREEN PASS MANDATORY NOT ONLY FOR EMPLOYEES The obligation to possess and exhibit the green pass as a condition for the first access to the workplace will concern from 15 October not only all public employees, with the sole exception of those exempt from the vaccination campaign based on suitable medical certification, but also all those who access public facilities to carry out any activity: maintenance workers, bartenders in the outlets, suppliers, couriers, teachers and those attending training courses. However, the obligation will not apply to users of the services. The obligation, on the other hand, concerns visitors, participants in meetings, events or congresses, political authorities or members of the councils and assemblies of local and regional autonomies.
GREEN PASS AND SMART WORKING No exceptions are allowed on the obligation of the green pass for public employees and without the green pass it is not possible to use smart working: in fact, it is not allowed in any way to identify the workers to be used for agile work on the basis of lack of possession. the green pass or the impossibility of showing the certification. Possession of the green certificate and its presentation are conditions that must be met when entering the workplace. The worker who declares possession of the Green pass but is unable to exhibit it must be considered unjustified absent and cannot in any way be used for agile working methods. green pass. However, for all administrations it remains possible to use, preferably for random checks or in any case for smaller administrations, also as an alternative solution in the event of a malfunction of one of the automated verification solutions, even at the request of the worker, the application ” VerificationC19 ”already available for free on the main platforms for the distribution of apps on smartphones. WORKER WITHOUT GREEN PASS, WHAT HAPPENS Hard line for civil servants who will be surprised at the workplace without a green pass. The employee must be removed from the place of employment and will be considered unjustified absent until the green certificate is shown, including any holidays or non-working days in the period of absence. The same sanction is also applied in case of refusal to exhibit the certification.In the days of unjustified absence, the worker is not due neither the wage nor other remuneration or emolument: the speech also concerns all the other components of the remuneration, also of a social security nature. , scheduled for the working day not performed. The days of unjustified absence do not contribute to the accrual of holidays and involve the corresponding loss of length of service.