Superbonus, Buia: “always asked for planning and clarity on times”

” We have always asked for programming. We want to know how much time we can count on and how we can plan for activities. I have always clamored to know exactly when the superbonus expires and what will be the time frame that we will be able to use and what will be the incentives that will be transferred for the years to come ”. The president of Ance, Gabriele Buia, explains it to Adnkronos. ” Now we are told that the superbonus will be extended, but we cannot understand what will be transferred to 2023 – continues Buia -. We just want to say that 2023, even if it is one more year. At this point we would like to sit around the table and understand exactly what will go to 2023 in its entirety and what are the incentives that will then be stabilized from 2024 onwards. And here we would like to know if a decalage of these incentives is being hypothesized. Companies need to know this in order to program themselves. ” ” This is causing bottlenecks with operational slowdowns of secondary importance – adds Buia – and today we do not find scaffolding, the lack of materials and this increases the prices of materials. prime. We can’t go on like this. ” ” We are the first not to want bubbles – explains Buia – indeed we worry when it comes to bubbles. We are aware that these are important investments for the state and that we certainly do not think this is light-hearted. I invite you to think about the returns these investments have, because this GDP growth has a value. Right now the construction world is rediscovering that effervescence of many years ago, which we no longer hypothesized. These incentives benefit citizens who find a redeveloped and upgraded property. The state is giving a final benefit to citizens. ”