Pnrr, Draghi: “6 reforms for schools by 2022”

“Six school reforms to be completed with the PNRR by 2022, 17 billion in investments of which 3 to tackle the nursery emergency. In today’s control room, chaired by Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi illustrated the lines of intervention under the responsibility of his ministry. “These lines show full compliance with the objectives agreed in the European context”, specifies in a note Palazzo Chigi. Read also Today the control room with the Prime Minister Draghi on schools and universities within the Pnrr. The Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco, and the ministers concerned or that of Education, Patrizio Bianchi, and the University, Maria Cristina Messa participated. Also present was the Minister of Regional Affairs , Mariastella Gelmini, the Minister for the South, Mara Carfagna, and the Minister of the Family, Elena Bonetti. “Today we begin this path with education, training and research”, said Draghi explaining: “To date there is a rough calendar for the first six control rooms”. On the choice to start with education, the premier observes: “Partly because the plan should shape the Italy of tomorrow, of those who are young today and then this extraordinary Nobel event for Professor Parisi makes us think about our potential in the field of research and science. Training and research are fundamental for the growth of our country “.” Respect for commitments is crucial for the allocation of European funds “, recalled the premier. “Each control room allows you to take stock of the implementation of individual investment projects and identify the obstacles that may arise – he underlined – in order to be able to intervene immediately and respect the schedule of commitments”. “The presidency has already asked to all ministries further measures necessary to simplify the process of individual projects: many have already arrived and soon there will be another provision with other simplifications “, he said then reiterating:” I have already said that the government does not follow the electoral calendar. ‘it’s time to close and times begin to be short. There is a significant number of measures to be approved within the year, we have always kept our commitments and we don’t want to stop now “. The new Nobel Prize in Physics” Parisi is right Research funding is far lower than in other countries around us. There is a determination to bridge this gap by increasing funding for basic research and even the applied one “, said Draghi again.