Engie is confirmed on the podium as ‘recommended provider’ by Altroconsumo

Engie is positioned for the second consecutive year among the “Recommended Providers” of the sector according to the 2021 survey by Altroconsumo on the quality of the service. In fact, the title of “Recommended Gas Provider” had already been assigned to Engie in 2020, and the result of 2021 confirms the excellent level of the service offered, both for the supply of electricity and for the supply of gas. The survey took into consideration 20 operators in the electricity and gas sectors with services active throughout the national territory, analyzing three areas that cover the entire life cycle of the customer: the conditions of contracts, customer satisfaction and the ability to respond to complaints, according to the monitoring defined by the Arera. The results highlight a dense market of operators in which quality improves in general but between the first and last in the ranking the distance is significant in all the rankings of the survey (electricity and gas). The quality standard that characterizes “Recommended Providers” such as Engie is therefore a significant indicator for domestic customers in the free energy market. Specifically, Engie achieved the highest scores both in the evaluation of the supply contract and in the online services offered to customers. “We are very satisfied to see that, a year later, a serious and objective investigation such as that of Altroconsumo sees us once again among the best operators on the market – says Fabrizio Moioli, Director of BtC of Engie Italia -” Being a player of national dimensions to have the title of Recommended Provider, both on gas and electricity, is for us a source of pride and recognition of our commitment to customers. Our strengths are the transparency and attention that we at Engie put into managing the customer, starting from quality but at the same time competitive offers, and it is the consumers who say this. The assessment of the quality of the service is also strong in our widespread presence, which allows us to ensure the service throughout the national territory. This result is a starting point, not an arrival point: the goal will be to have accompanied all our customers in their energy transition towards carbon neutrality not only thanks to our energy offers but also through integrated energy efficiency services and programs. digital that accompany the customer in adopting a more sustainable lifestyle day after day. Strengthened by this recognition, we will strive further to achieve ever more ambitious goals ”.