Consumption, confidence trend consolidated at the end of September

2021 began with a certain pessimism on the consumption front, which recorded a turnaround with the beginning of spring, in conjunction with the strengthening of vaccination coverage and with the growth of trust in institutions. This is what emerges from the 2021 consumption survey carried out by Ey and Swg. Confidence trend that was further consolidated at the end of September, albeit with gray areas due to a certain level of uncertainty with respect to the future. With regard to purchasing behavior, compared to September 2020 the importance of online is consolidated and the simultaneous growth of both the tendency to go to shopping centers (+ 19%) and the use of small neighborhood shops (+ 26%). Online shopping has as its central drivers the convenience and simplicity of the process (from the choice of products to delivery), while shopping in the store is centered on relationality (with goods, people and the territory). seem to show an increase in the propensity to renovate homes (30%), and means of transport (23%) and towards financial investments (26%). In the relationship with the brand, on the other hand, the perception of ethical behavior is increasingly important: business ethics which is expressed primarily in respect of consumers, through the offer of quality products (46%) at the right price (45%) and, in turn, in respect of employees, suppliers and the environment (34% ). According to Paolo Lobetti Bodoni, EY Consulting Market Leader in Italy, “companies are called upon to answer key questions to transform their business strategies” and with this in mind “following the new consumption trends means investing in a transformation of a structural nature. , starting with the redefinition of one’s own identity.