** Energia, Arera: ‘Transfer of general charges to general taxation’

“After the deep decline that characterized 2020, the start of the economic recovery with the beginning of 2021 but above all the evidence of the effectiveness of the vaccination campaign led to a sharp acceleration in all raw material costs, with variations that in the within a few months they definitely projected them towards historical highs. It is important to point out how an effective collaboration between the Authority and the Government has enabled the activation and implementation of tools aimed at limiting the impact of these changes for the generality of consumers “. This was stated by the president of the Arera, Stefano Besseghini in the course of his annual report to the Chamber on the state of services and on the activity carried out, underlining the Authority’s proposal which is to transfer general system burdens to general taxation. This, explains the president of Arera, “through interventions on the components of the general system charges on at least two main occasions: in the second quarter of 2021 through the replication of an intervention already carried out in 2020 (sterilization of fixed power quotas for small companies for a total amount of 800 million euros) and on the occasion of the change in the third quarter of 2021, with a generalized containment of the component in support of renewables (Asos) for a total amount of 1.2 billion euros. of particular interest because they strengthen the path proposed several times by the Authority of a progressive transfer of the general system burdens on general taxation “. Besseghini in particular points out how” the June intervention was based on an instrument reported by the Authority since December 2018, ie the use of resources deriving from the allocation of CO2 emission quotas ” .

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