Electricity and gas bills, towards CDM: intervention against increase

The government is working on measures to avoid rising bills. The rules, to avoid heavy increases in electricity and gas, except for slowdowns in the race, should arrive in the Council of Ministers this week – there is talk of an intervention between 3 and 3.5 billion euros – while longer times will be necessary for the reform of the tax authorities and the provision on competition, sources from the Ministry of Economy explain to Adnkronos. The same sources explain that longer times may also be necessary for the Update to the Def (Nadef), expected in Parliament for 27 September, but which should not land on this week’s CDM. Read also CINGOLANI – “This is the phase of studying the best solutions to mitigate the problem in a stable and structural way”. Thus the Minister of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani, in his speech at the ‘Energies for transition and energy transitions’ event on Corriere.it, returns to talk about the increases in the electricity bill. “It should be specified – he explains – that being the world of global energy the cost of raw materials affects everyone. It is not only Italy that has problems with bills. With the increase in gas we see that all our European neighbors have the same problems as us ” And “we must not make the mistake of thinking that this is a problem that depends on the ecological transition, the ecological transition in reality in the medium-long term gives us solutions that should relieve us from these problems. On the day we have a production of energy mainly based on renewables, we will also be able to detach ourselves from the price of gas, but these are enormous infrastructural changes. In these years, in the meantime, we have to manage everyday life “. he is dealing with the question “with the utmost attention, in these days there is the utmost concentration on the subject. We try to mitigate, in the meantime in real time on the next bill but there is awareness that these are global trends that do not reverse in a month, we need to make more infrastructural decisions, I simplify, how the bill is calculated, they are all working to mitigate these effects ” . After “we have a clear road map: that of increasing our energy mix of renewables to disengage from the cost of gas. Everyone is working. Of the many possible measures, the pros and cons must be weighed. This is being done right now. It is the phase of studying the most suitable solutions to mitigate the problem in a stable and structural way “.

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