Baccini (Microcredit): “From fake news devastating effects”

“Disinformation is now the main theme of daily life in our country. Fake news affects the daily life of people, affects the life of companies. Today this ‘focus’ wants to put these issues at the center, precisely to create the conscience, that perhaps a news, in the age of social networks, could also be untrue. The effects are devastating, untrue news creates discomfort for companies, creates a loss of turnover or creates a state of mind that leads to many cases to suicide “. This was stated by Mario Baccini, former Minister of Public Service, today president of the National Body for Micro-credit, during the Conference “Effects of disinformation, from conflicts to everyday life”, organized by the International University for Peace in Rome, in partnership with the Web Press Media Reporter Association, which was held today in Rome at the headquarters of Adnkronos Rome in Piazza Mastai, 9. “We saw in the Covid era – he underlines – what happened, citizens were trained on information that was not and I believe this is the aspect that we must examine and deepen “. According to Baccini, moreover, the ‘weapons’ we have to counter this problem are “limited, because – he explains – there has always been misinformation in history, from the Middle Ages onwards many people have also been burned at the stake for religious reasons. Postal Police is doing its duty, controlling what happens in social networks is very difficult, therefore – remember – we need to create new consciences starting from information and training in schools, a civic education that puts ethics at the center of daily life . I believe that ethics is the only thing that can stem this devastating phenomenon “.

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