OpeNet, an artificial intelligence for family doctors

Net Medica Italia was responsible for the creation of the patient care and telemedicine platform, which integrates the technology and functionalities developed by IBM Global Business Services, such as artificial intelligence applications, to improve the care path of the patient. chronic patient through information and tools useful to the doctor. Thanks to OPeNet, the family doctor has more time to dedicate to patients; it is connected to specialists with whom it can collaborate more easily, has a tool to identify the most fragile patients and can manage patients remotely. OPeNet, which is currently used in the management of chronic patients with heart failure and psoriasis, is actively promoted by Novartis to interested doctors through the Embrace Advisors, the network of young professionals in the area to support general practitioners to improve the process of early identification of patients at risk, supporting doctors in the remote management of chronic patients and thus facilitating a virtuous path between family doctors and specialists for a better integration between the territory and the hospital. Nicola Calabrese, president of Net Medica Italia explained “COVID has brought to light the limits of the health care model adopted so far, based on the central role of the hospital structure, revealing new needs for optimal management of patients, and in particular those with chronicity, and consequently new needs for the general practitioner. Digital technology represents one of the responses to this changed scenario, favoring an evolution of the doctor-patient relationship, the role of the general practitioner and the relationship with the specialist “. The OPeNet platform has already been activated by more than 500 doctors of general medicine and over 900 have applied for activation. Stefano Rebattoni, CEO of IBM Italy, clarified: “In the last year, technological innovation has shown that it can make a fundamental contribution in providing quality health services, in safety and sustainability. Supporting that continuum of patient care, diagnosis, care and assistance, the founding pillar of an effective and efficient healthcare system. The central element of this path is the data and information that technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence, blockchain and the internet of things can make available in a timely manner to all the players in the system, from doctors to patients. The OpeNet project, developed with Novartis and Net Medica Italia, is a concrete example of this type of solution ”.

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