Rossi (St Microelectronics): “Not only chips but also human capital at risk”

The strategic chip market is very vast and also includes the human capital market, “but we are on the verge of losing that too”, of losing human capital in addition to the production of semiconductors and microchips. This was revealed by Domenico Rossi, Vice President of Research and Development St Microelectronics, speaking today at the brainstorming “Strategic considerations for the integrated circuits supply chain”, one of the key events of the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” . Rossi recalled that if “in the 90s the enrollments in electronic engineering compared to those in computer science were 50-50, today 10% work in electronic engineering while the others all work in computer science”. “And it is a big problem because – he argued – there is a lack of people in factories and to oversee areas of design and all these sectors require electronic engineers” of which there is now a great shortage.