Leonardo, collaboration with Engineering on Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity

Leonardo and Engineering have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, starting a strategic collaboration to identify projects and business opportunities to be developed jointly in the field of Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity. The agreement provides that the Defense, Healthcare, Finance, Public Administration and Infrastructure sectors are the main areas in which to implement the partnership with the aim of accelerating the digital transition and the growth of the country. A note announces it. “The MoU – we read – activates a highly collaborative relationship that will lead the two companies, each time they identify common areas of collaboration, to design and implement solutions capable of responding to the increasingly challenging needs of the market because they are based on the most innovative and strategic frontier technologies, including AI, Big Data, Digital Twin, Cloud, Quantum computing and IoT “. Leonardo and Engineering, the note continues, “in fact bring together technological and business skills, to accompany, speed up and guarantee the safety of digitization processes in the market sectors in which the two companies operate, so as to make available to the country their consolidated technological know-how also in terms of economic and environmental sustainability “. For Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo,” the signing of the agreement brings together the distinctive excellence of two leading players in their respective business sectors. The sum of the know-how of Leonardo and Engineering will make it possible to develop joint solutions in the field of sustainable Digital Transformation capable of creating value for the country. The partnership is part of Leonardo’s commitment to promote an innovative ecosystem on transversal technological strands, one of the guidelines that guides the strategic plan Be Tomorrow 2030, and the commitment with Engineering assumes a particular value in light of the rapid evolution of the country’s technological context which requires the search for cutting-edge solutions “, concludes Profumo. According to Maximo Ibarra, CEO of Engineering,” the challenges we are experiencing must be faced by creating innovative synergies and partnerships for the market and for people. The MoU signed with Leonardo makes us particularly proud because it was designed to put the commitment of two Italian excellences with strong human capital at the service of the country. As a Digital Transformation company that has the ambition of being a strategic asset for companies and PA, we sign this partnership, sharing technological skills and transversal knowledge, to support players in all markets in digitization processes in which Cybersecurity strategies are also an integral part of a sustainable and inclusive Digital Transformation “, concludes Ibarra.Centrale, concludes the note,” will also be the collaboration between Leonardo and Engineering on the Research & Development front, to encourage the use of cutting-edge technologies in capable digital solutions to anticipate the rapid changes in the market through the launch of the collaboration between the Leonardo Labs network and the Research Centers of Engineering. At the same time, equally crucial will be the commitment of Leonardo and Engineering, companies with a high rate of human capital, in pooling their respective excellences to create training courses on highly innovative topics “.

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