University, Terna presents the 1st edition of the Master Tyrrhenian Lab in Salerno

The presentation of the 2nd level Master “Digitization of the electricity system for the energy transition”, promoted by Terna, within the Tyrrhenian Lab project, in collaboration with the Universities of Salerno, Cagliari and Palermo. Francesco Del Pizzo, Terna’s Director of Grid Development and Dispatching Strategies as well as President and Scientific Coordinator of the Tyrrhenian Lab, and Prof. Vincenzo Loia, Rector of the University of Salerno, presented the training offer to recent graduates interested in the course, the details of the subjects envisaged and the objectives of the initiative. Terna will invest 100 million euros over the next 5 years to develop the skills necessary to manage an electricity system in constant evolution. The purpose of the Master is to create new professionals with managerial, engineering, IT and statistical skills. “In addition to infrastructural interventions on the grids, the development of renewable energy sources and the increase of storage systems, the fourth enabling element to face the energy transition is represented by the training of specialized skills, of people who in the future will be able to manage the technologies linked to dispatching and developments in the energy markets. The Tyrrhenian Lab is a project of crucial importance, not only for Terna, but also for the territories involved and for the country system “declared Francesco Del Pizzo. “With today’s presentation, months and months of teamwork become reality. I thank the University of Salerno for their fruitful collaboration and for choosing to share our vision of growth and development ”. “The Tyrrhenian Lab project is a significant and concrete opportunity for our young people. By providing the skills and laboratory infrastructures, we are pleased to support Terna both in research activities in a sector that is central to our economy, and in the specialized training activities of students, who at the end of the course will have the concrete opportunity to be selected and hired at the territorial offices of the project ”, declared Vincenzo Loia, Rector of the University of Salerno. The Master, which will begin in November, will consist of four modules for a total of 60 training credits, with personalized courses based on the previous academic experiences of the participants, programming workshops and practical activities in the field. Students with a master’s degree in technical-scientific subjects can submit an application for admission by 18 September. Once the Master is over, the 15 students selected with the support of the universities involved, will be hired by Terna and will be able to operate as: experts in algorithms and models for the Electricity Market, experts in analysis and regulation systems, experts in managing field equipment, experts in Station Automation systems (SAS) and experts in Station IoT Systems. The Tyrrhenian Lab project aims to establish, in collaboration with the three universities of Salerno, Cagliari and Palermo, a training center of excellence distributed in the offices of the cities where the cables of the Tyrrhenian Link, Terna’s submarine power line, will land. which will unite Campania, Sicily and Sardinia, for a total of 950 km of connection and 3.7 billion euros of investments, favoring the integration of energy flows from renewable sources.