Digital, De Molli: “The biggest challenge is related to skills”

“To fully grasp the opportunities offered by the technological transformation of manufacturing and intelligent agriculture, it is necessary to respond to some challenges, which do not concern only the individual company but which, increasingly, require ecosystemic and integrated approaches to transform challenges into opportunities” . This is stated by Valerio De Molli, Managing Partner & CEO of The European House – Ambrosetti, commenting on the study ‘Towards a New Deal of Competences in the agricultural and industrial sector’, developed by The European House – Ambrosetti in collaboration with Philip Morris Italia who is was presented today in Cernobbio. “The biggest challenge – underlines De Molli – is linked to skills: for the more than 200 companies involved in this research work, the lack of skills is the main obstacle to the development of Intelligent Manufacturing and Smart projects Agriculture. In fact, a low level of satisfaction with the skills developed by the Italian education system emerges, both in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors: the level of skills of graduates is satisfactory for only 26% of manufacturing companies and 48% of farms. , while the satisfaction with the skills of graduates is 40% in manufacturing companies and 54% in farms “.