Bounce to Piazza Affari, Exor flies

Rebound day for Piazza Affari, after the negative results of the last five sessions, in the wake of Wall Street earnings. In August, the US economy recorded an increase of 315,000 new jobs, against the expected 300,000. Paradoxically, investors also judge positively the slight increase in unemployment in the US, which would give hope for a less throttled and more supply labor market. The Ftse Mib thus gained 2.91% and closed with a sharp rise at 21,921.26 points. The spread between German BTPs and Bunds also falls, returning to around 230 basis points. Therefore, the yield of the ten-year stock also falls, now around 3.8%. Exor shines on the main list of Piazza Affari, which marks a gain of 6.29%. Bank stocks and industrials also performed well. The latter recorded encouraging results: Iveco rose by 4.14%, Pirelli by 3.11%, Cnh Industrial by 4.64%, Stm by 3.84% and Stellantis by 2.62%. As for credit institutions, Banco Bpm advanced by 5.20%, Fineco by 4.45%, Banca Mediolanum by 4.75%, Banca Generali by 4.06%, Unicredit by 3.15% and Intesa Sanpaolo by 2, 62%. Eni (+ 3.07%), Enel (+ 2.41%) and Inwit (+ 1.83%) also recover land. As regards the latter, Credit Suisse analysts expect a further improvement in the guidance of the group by 2023 from the management due to the nature of the “inflation winner” of the business put in place. at parity, with an increase of 0.13%) and Leonardo, the only stock in very slight decline (-0.02%). (in collaboration with