Energy, Mantovani (Manageritalia): “Worried about the difficult situation, we need European cohesion”

“There is concern about the aggravation of an already difficult and complex situation. For companies and for our managers, it is essential to face a period of greater stability as possible. And therefore this means having strong European cohesion, punctual execution of the Pnrr and also the possibility of resisting further external shocks that could have an impact on the debt “. Thus, with Adnkronos / Labitalia, Mario Mantovani, president of Manageritalia, the reference organization for managers and high-level professionals in the service sector, on the effects of expensive energy on businesses and the economy. “From our point of view, we need prudent policies, to avoid spending more money with repercussions on debt”, he explains. According to the leader of Manageritalia, the measures designed in recent months had to be followed for some time. “Decoupling the price of energy from that of gas and putting a ceiling on the price of the latter have been measures on the table for months and that probably if they had been implemented earlier it would have been better. But now it is necessary to continue in this direction”, he concludes. .