Dear energy and bills, towards ok decree: resources node remains critical

The government is working to give the green light next week to the new bill decree to ease the grip of expensive energy on businesses and households. All the data on tax revenues for July and August arrived late yesterday, now it will take a few days to process them and therefore quantify the amount of coverage of the decree. But the resource node remains critical: if the energy companies also paid the tax due on extra-profits, resources equal to about 3 billion would be made available. To these should be added the extra revenue from tax and tax collection, but these resources would not reach the approximately 10 billion necessary to finance all the measures in question. We should therefore look in the folds of the budget, given that the Draghi government does not intend to resort to the extra deficit. And the scenario would not change even the increase in GDP in the second quarter announced today by Istat (1.1% against 1% of the previous estimate and 4.7% against 4.6% indicated at the end of July), given that one decimal it would no longer impact the denominator of the GDP deficit ratio in an incisive way, giving more room for maneuver. In any case, with the vote of 25 September at the gates, the game of political forces on the deviation is open, while technical and political meetings continue in the ministries involved to define the new measures. The provision will include the rules for the renewal and possibly the strengthening of the tax credit for energy-intensive companies in the first place; the reduction of system charges and the renewal of the Cig for companies in difficulty. As for the parliamentary process of the new dl, it would aim for a lightning-fast approval in this Parliament before the dissolution of the Chamber and Senate, if possible. Alternatively, the examination would pass to the new Chambers.