Bper Banca: ‘Malacalza appeal based on the acquisition of residual Carige shares discharged’

Bper Banca informs that it has been notified of a precautionary appeal by Malacalza Investimenti, a minority shareholder of Banca Carige, with which Malacalza has asked the Court of Genoa to inhibit B for the exercise of the right to purchase, pursuant to art. 111 of the TUF (so-called “squeeze-out”), the residual ordinary shares issued by Carige in the event that Bper reaches the threshold of 95% of the ordinary capital of Carige as a result of the Sell-Out Procedure. The Court of Genoa has set the hearing for the handling of the appeal for September 14, 2022. The note states that Bper “deems the appeal void of any foundation and will take steps to assert its reasons in the competent fora”.