Antitrust, 1 million fine to Trenitalia

1 million euro fine against Trenitalia by the Competition and Market Authority. The sanction was reduced due to the economic losses recorded in 2020. According to what emerged from official findings and inspections, the Antitrust announced in a note, some critical issues occurred at the Roma Termini station for the movement of commuters who take advantage of the high-speed train season ticket: many passengers had not been able to access the trains of the Rome-Naples / Caserta line, despite the fact that the seats were not occupied and / or reserved for ‘checkerboard’ positioning. The inconveniences for commuter passengers were repeated between January and the beginning of February 2021. According to the Authority, the behavior of Trenitalia, which has not adequately managed and planned its offer in one of the routes most affected by commuter traffic , such as the Rome-Naples / Caserta, upon the resumption of work after the end of the year break, integrates an unfair commercial practice in violation of Article 20 of the Consumer Code. This is a practice which is contrary to professional diligence and which is capable of appreciably distorting the economic behavior of the consumer. of commuters, to whom he had sold a subscription, and did not provide other information or measures relating to the booking system to offer an adequate transport service to this specific category of travelers and therefore limit foreseeable inconveniences, despite having all the data to evaluate the demand for travel by commuter customers. On the basis of the preliminary investigation carried out, and also of the opinion given by the Transport Regulatory Authority, insufficient elements emerged to ascertain an incorrect commercial practice in the preparation and adaptation of the transport capacity during the period close to the holidays. at the end of 2020.