Rental bonus 2021, to whom and when it expires: this is how it works

There will be until September 6, 2021 to submit applications for the 2021 rental bonus. But what is it? And who is it for? This is a bonus provided for by the Refreshments Decree which concerns owners who reduce the rent of a property for residential use, recalls Adiconsum. To use it, you must submit an application and be in possession of a series of requirements. Rent bonus, the requirements To obtain the rental bonus, the landlord must meet the following requirements: – He must have agreed to the reduction of the rent in the period 25 December 2020 – 31 December 2021 – He must have signed the rental contract at least from 29 October 2020 – The property must be located in a municipality with high housing voltage and for the tenant it must be the main residence.Bonus, how to submit the applicationThe application must be submitted online and must be entered: the tax code; the IBAN of the bank / post office current account to which the bonus is credited; the data of the contract subject to renegotiation; the start and end date of the new fee; the amount of the annual fee before and after the renegotiation; the ownership share of the owner’s property. The application will be partially filled in by the Revenue Agency and must be sent autonomously online through your reserved area on the Agency portal or through an intermediary authorized to access the lessor’s tax drawer. 50% of the total amount of renegotiations down, with a maximum ceiling of 1,200 euros.