As explained by the labor lawyer of the University of Milan Alessandra Ingrao: “In smartworking it is important to build a new regulatory model, rules, which prevent the drift towards a form of technological subordination”. Smartworking, as it was born in law 81 of 2017, is a regulated type of contract “which gives rise to a remote service mode that is very different from the one that established itself during the recent pandemic. We need to focus on three connected fundamental points: it is necessary to effectively ensure the right to disconnect, to connect and reconnection “. The right to disconnect presupposes “that the device must be disconnected from the company server, so that the worker does not have to take responsibility for not answering calls or messages. The connection, on the other hand, remains the responsibility of the individuals if the company does not bear the costs, also considering the location. Finally, reconnection is the right, once the pandemic is over, to return to the office and be able to negotiate the conditions with which to return, avoiding the complete depersonalization of isolation associated with the hut syndrome ”. The cards are being reshuffled on these three rights after a phase of extreme teleworking during the lockdowns and a push towards the subsequent return to the office, especially determined by those who have invested in large representative spaces. The possibility of recovering funds by divesting from physical offices in the city center to allocate them to travel and corporate initiatives is especially activating Fintech companies which, like Inc, have reduced the offices of their headquarters, closed the satellite offices and redesigned operational structures to make them usable remotely. In this way, the company was able to use 85% of the 2019 real estate budget by reinvesting it in employee benefits, including a trip for all the staff of 200 people, and others organized in a reduced form for individual teams. “Bringing everyone back to work in the office would be a mistake,” explained CEO Oleg Rogynskyy. The startup incubator All Turtles Corp. has also decided to close its offices in Paris, Tokyo and San Francisco to move everything online. In return, all of his staff plus the employees of some of the startups he helped launch were invited to Memphis in October for barbecues, bourbon and a trip to Graceland. 20% by the end of 2021, leveraging the work-from-home trend during the global pandemic to reduce real estate costs. In April, HSBC halted the executive plan of its Canary Wharf offices to make room for collaborative spaces and meeting rooms, all just weeks after the bank announced plans to transfer 1,200 of its call center staff to service contracts. permanent work from home as part of a broader revolution in his real estate needs. Presenting the bank’s mid-year results for 2021, HSBC chief Noel Quinn said, “We are moving to a hybrid work model where possible, giving our employees the flexibility to work in a way that suits them. than to their customers. We will need less office space and plan to reduce our global footprint by more than 3.6 million square feet – or around 20% – by the end of 2021. “This is because the bank has seen an increase in fatigue. and anxiety among employees as they adjust to the new way of working: “To help address this problem, we have provided a variety of wellness resources, including awareness training.” In May, the bank also began a Pilot test for Friday afternoon without Zoom in an effort to alleviate the stress caused by the endless virtual encounters during the pandemic. Quinn also revealed a $ 3 billion technology spend in the first half of the year, up 4% from the previous year. same period of last year. But if smartworking is depopulating the offices, ecommerce will take care of giving breath to the real estate market. Never before has the retail trade moved online, with the demand nce of increasingly large and organized warehouses for both merchants and logistics and shipping services. An emblematic example of the change of perspective is provided by ShipBob, a global logistics platform oriented towards B2C ecommerce. The company has decided to split its Chicago headquarters offices in two, so that half can be rented, while it has doubled its warehouses starting in mid-2020: today there are 24 (including 4 outside the United States ) and expects to reach 35 by the end of the year.
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