It is commonly believed that digital content influences the mindset of future generations from an early age. But not that much and not in the way we imagine. For many years Disney has been under accusation for the so-called “princesse culture”, which proposes a vision of the world in which the females are damsels in danger to be saved and the males brave knights. But now a five-year study has revealed a different reality. The study conducted by Brigham Young University’s Department of Evolutionary Psychology suggests that the Disney universe, even the most classic and normally accused of stereotypically showing relationships, such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, may have instead a positive impact on the minds of children of both sexes. Dr. Sarah Coyne’s study was initially published in 2016 and involved 300 preschool boys and girls showing that in the short term, massive exposure to princesses had an impact on the perpetration of gender stereotypes in both boys and girls. However, long-term results have now been published in the scientific journal Child Development, which have followed those same children into adolescence. The study showed how children with greater involvement in “princesse culture” grew up instead building a positive self-image and a more progressive attitude about women and their place in the world. This is because, explained Dr. Coyne, “these stories provide children with plots in which women are protagonists, followed their dreams and help others, often rejecting a preconceived role based on their gender”. And males are also affected in a positive way: “They learn to reject certain hyphens of toxic masculinity, to express their emotions in a healthy way” and also to see women as strong co-stars, with their own history and their desires. emphasized also on the positive change of the image of the princesses in recent years, a meticulous work carried out by Disney also to free itself from accusations related to princess culture and which evidently begins to bear fruit. A progressive paradigm shift in the way her timeless princesses face life, making them the protagonists of their story: Merida the rebel who refuses an arranged marriage, Elsa and Anna who rule their kingdom alone, Vaiana who embarks on a journey of growth and discovery to save his people even against the will of their father. But how much do the contents that our children watch and play with in videogames actually influence their vision of the world? Decades of studies on the subject warn against excesses: repeated exposure to certain behaviors makes it easier to accept and normalize them, and therefore tend to replicate them in daily life. But to set a bad example are not so much movies and video games, but the daily ecosystem in which children and young people move. What children experience in the home and school environment shapes them much more than a cartoon, and gives them the tools to approach digital content with a certain amount of critical spirit. No big culprits, therefore, and no panacea. Education, as always, begins at home.
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