Evasion, ready sweepstakes: that’s who is in the sights

Tax evasion, sweeping checks are triggered. Guardia di Finanza and Agenzia delle Entrate are ready to intensify checks on tax credits, electronic commerce and state aid, according to laleggepertutti.it. The goal: to verify that those who benefited from the concessions recognized during the pandemic, those who work in the e-commerce sector and those who have current accounts or investments abroad (among others) have not been smart or are hiding across the border money on which he is required to pay taxes. In an attempt to give new impetus to the fight against tax evasion, thousands of checks are ready. The financial administration has recently received from the Minister of the Economy Daniele Franco, in the address on fiscal policy 2021-2023, a new input to find the full-blown tax evaders and aspiring tax evaders. This is where the magnifying glass of the inspectors will focus: Who risks Particular interest arouses those who have used or could use non-existent tax credits following debt assumption deeds to offset unpaid tax and social security charges. Without neglecting the compilation of payment proxies with an amount due equal to a few pennies. On this front it must be remembered that, in order to avoid any offenses, the law has prohibited the intersubjective offsetting of tax credits through assumption: payments made with this logic are considered as not made. has accrued starting from the tax period in progress at 31 December 2019, they must compulsorily pass through the electronic channels managed by the Revenue Agency. Which, so far, has given its results: to date, false credits in compensation for over 1 billion euros have been blocked. between 2016 and 2021. These are, for example, activities that have little to do, precisely, with research and development, as the organizational structure of the company appears to be extraneous to these purposes. Not to mention companies whose internal business costs are practically absent in their balance sheets. Tax controls also concern – and will concern – e-commerce, which experienced a strong, inevitable development during the pandemic. The closure of physical stores as a preventive measure against Covid and the lockdown periods have forced millions of citizens to make their purchases via the Internet, with the consequent boom of companies and companies operating on the web. The commercial data that allow the launch of a dedicated risk analysis, aimed at both resident taxpayers and taxpayers who have identified themselves in Italy, are sifted through Fiamme Gialle and the Revenue Agency. But also the activity of taxpayers who, despite having had a rather high volume of sales, did not submit the necessary tax and VAT returns. spontaneous and neither changed his behavior nor did he show up to justify any anomalies, in particular on foreign income or on mandatory electronic invoices. In short, on those taxpayers who have turned a deaf ear to the requests of the Agency. In the sights, the disbursements of non-repayable contributions, with checks on the revenues and the size of the requesting companies, as well as on the presence of any tax fraud against them.

1 thought on “Evasion, ready sweepstakes: that’s who is in the sights”

  1. https://connect.isa.org/network/members/profile?UserKey=4f9a7f2b-ab05-4e73-8052-3576558ec5fc

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