Green light of the Senate to the National Cybersecurity Agency

Invoked, criticized, accelerated also by the recent events involving the hacker attack in Lazio, the Senate Chamber definitively approved with 204 yes, 3 no and 23 abstentions the Dl on cybersecurity already approved by the Chamber. The provision defines, in particular, the national cybersecurity architecture and the National Cybersecurity Agency. Cyber ​​security constitutes, is highlighted in the parliamentary dossier dedicated to the provision, one of the interventions envisaged by the NRP to which approximately 620 million euros are earmarked. The discipline definitively licensed by Palazzo Madama defines, in particular, the national cyber security system which has the President of the Council of Ministers at its top: “The President of the Council of Ministers is the authority at the top of the security architecture cybernetics, as the top management and general responsibility of cybersecurity policies is exclusively attributed to him. Furthermore, the Prime Minister is always exclusively responsible for: adopting the national cybersecurity strategy, after consulting the Interministerial Committee for Cybersecurity (CIC) established in article 4 of this provision; the appointment and dismissal of the general director and deputy director general of the new National Cybersecurity Agency established by article 5 of the provision in question, following a resolution of the Council of Ministers, as envisaged in the examination at the Chamber of Deputies. The examination at the Chamber of Deputies, during which the provision was introduced that the President of the Council informs COPASIR and the competent parliamentary committees about the appointments in advance about the appointments and dismissal of the top management of the Agency “. In the hall of the Senate, the senator of Forza Italia-Udc, Paola Binetti said: “The digital transition is a prerequisite for a new dimension also in healthcare. Moving from a hospital-centric system to one that has its fulcrum in the territories will be possible only through technological development, which therefore must be safe. Due to the sensitivity of the data, which pertain to the personal identity of each of us, cybersecurity is essential and I welcome the fact that the agency that is set up will report directly to the Prime Minister. I hope that the Ministry of Health will also be present in the control room of the Pnrr with high-level experts “. The Senator of the Democratic Party, Roberta Pinotti, president of the Defense Commission, is also in the Chamber:” Cybersecurity is a fundamental issue for the development of the economy , growth, but also for health itself and therefore for human life. Cyber ​​attacks are multiplying and have increased during the pandemic, also due to smart working. The National Agency designed, with well-defined boundaries with respect to Intelligence, has a personality of public law and autonomy, centralizes functions and competences and constitutes a point of reference at the public and private level. Among the tasks it will have that of the production of tools because the autonomous production capacity of security systems and the related national industrial developments are crucial issues for the future of any country. We have to face a fundamental cultural change: when we receive an attack we are already late, we need safety rather than security, when a passage is opened the risk becomes generalized ”.