Covid, Boehringer bets on drug for severe cases

A potential treatment for patients with severe Covid-19 respiratory problems, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The anti-Covid research ‘branded’ Boehringer Ingelheim, which today announces the positive results recorded in the first half of 2021 and confirms that it will focus its efforts on the treatment of the pandemic coronavirus by focusing “on the development of the alteplase drug”, aims at this goal. “The decision – explains the German pharmaceutical group – is based on favorable safety and efficacy data from an interim analysis of the phase II / III Tristards study, following the completion of the phase IIb part of the study which included 62 patients “. As for the “development program of BI 767551, neutralizing antibody” anti Sars-CoV-2, “it will be interrupted – underlines Boehringer – since the current state of the pandemic makes it difficult to progress further with the clinical development of this antibody and make it available to patients within a reasonable time frame to contribute “to the fight” against the Covid-19 pandemic “.