The bookings for the eco-bonus for cars, even used ones, are starting. Thanks to the conversion law of the Sostegni bis decree, the automotive fund for the purchase of low CO2 emissions vehicles was refinanced with 350 million euros, according to Compared to the previous situation, the most important change is that the allocation of 40 million euros dedicated to used cars, petrol or diesel, of a Euro class of no less than 6 and emissions of up to 160 g / km of CO2. In order to take advantage of the incentive, it will be necessary to scrap a car registered before January 2011, or that has reached ten years of age in the period in which the eco-bonus is requested. new cars with low emissions up to 135 g / km of CO2, with and without scrapping, while from August 5, concessions for commercial and special vehicles may be requested. Specifically, the 350 million envisaged by law will be divided as follows: 200 million to purchase, exclusively with scrapping, vehicles with emissions between 61-135 g / km CO2. The contribution is 1,500 euros; 60 million to obtain the extra bonus and purchase vehicles with emissions between 0-60 g / km CO2. The contribution amounts to € 2,000 with scrapping and € 1,000 without. And 50 million for the purchase of commercial and special vehicles, of which 15 million exclusively for electric vehicles. Among the novelties of the Sostegni bis decree there is the possibility of purchasing this type of vehicle with financial leasing, starting from 25 July 2021. The contributions envisaged by the 2021 Budget Law remain unchanged and can therefore be booked on the basis of the “Total Ground Mass -MTT” and power supply. Finally, 40 million for the purchase of used M1 category vehicles, of a Euro class of no less than 6 and emissions up to 160 g / km of CO2. A contribution of up to 2,000 euros is recognized, calculated on the basis of the issue band. To take advantage of the contribution, another older vehicle must be scrapped.