The burosaurus, or one of the dinosaurs of the public administration that survive, act, speak and write in a complicated and self-referential way, hindering the transparent exchange between state and citizen. This is how the decree-law introducing urgent provisions on cybersecurity and the establishment of the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) was defined a few days ago by Umberto Rapetto, former general of the Guardia di Finanza, in his recent hearing to the Chamber: “This approach to the cybernetic emergency conflicts with common sense and forgets the foreign experiences where governments have preferred a small handful of true connoisseurs of the subject to quickly make decisions and move the pieces already operational to face digital attacks, manage the counter-offensive, restore the current situation and, in periods of apparent calm, coordinate all initiatives to raise the level of preparation and reactive capacity of those who manage critical infrastructures and public and private organizations that provide essential services “. But, while the hacker attack on the Lazio Region is underway, the National Cybersecurity Agency (Acn) aims to become state law by the middle of this week, with the vote in the Senate. Franco Gabrielli, delegated authority of the Draghi government for security, talks about it in an interview with La Repubblica: “Two countries like Germany and France have had a National Cybernetic Resilience Authority for a long time. Germany in 1991, France in 2009. We are breathless in this 2021, with, according to Minister Colao, 95 per cent of unreliable public administration servers and the prospect of 1 trillion active digital devices on the planet by the end of. 2030. We are already immersed in artificial intelligence and the digital dimension of things. That’s why I say we have to run. And the birth of the Agency is the beginning of this race ”. Why this delay? “We got bogged down in a ten-year debate that imagined cybersecurity inserted within the perimeter of our Intelligence. Which, in some respects, was also understandable. The reasoning, for a long time, has been to imagine that the context of the intelligence agencies would have allowed faster capacity and development times for a civil cybersecurity agency ”. That choice “meant that, for years, while Europe was asking us for a certain, defined and unitary interlocutor on cybersecurity issues, we had 23 competent subjects who spoke on that matter. And that while countries like France and Germany were equipped with agencies with no less than 1,000 employees, we did not go beyond 50 valid operators at Dis and the promised hiring of 70 IT engineers at Mise, who never arrived “. week, US President Joe Biden approved a memorandum to strengthen the cybersecurity of key infrastructures in some federal departments and offices, in the face of fears related to the vulnerability shown by IT services in recent attacks. In a statement, the White House stresses the responsibility of the federal government and public bodies in protecting infrastructures considered of the utmost importance, a task that also falls to the owners and private operators of these systems: “The threats to cyber security against systems that control and manage the key infrastructures, on which we all depend, are among the most important problems facing our nation ”. In this sense, Italy also intends to make a clear choice which, as Gabrielli points out, “sees what we have called cybernetic resilience – and therefore the structures, professionalism and training necessary to endow the country with a technological autonomy that allows it to reach hardware and software production levels that make us competitive in the international scenario – headed by a public entity, the National Cybersecurity Agency. Which will move under the guidance of the Presidency of the Council, which will dialogue with all public administrations and private entities destined to equip themselves with cybernetic security tools. At the same time, we instead left the investigations on cyber crimes to the Police forces, to the Defense that of the attacks on our military infrastructures and to Intelligence, Dis, Aise and Aisi, that of information collection. If I had to say it in a word, the National Cybersecurity Agency is a safety tool that will connect and complement the other security tools we have: police forces, defense, Intelligence. A mixed model that rests on four pillars “.