Centinaio: ‘A glass of wine is a tourist package, it tells history and territory’

“Thanks to Adnkronos and Milan Wine week, for having thought of a channel that could speak in an even more ‘simple’ way, in quotation marks, of what I believe is the ambassador of Made in Italy in the world”. This was stated by Undersecretary for Agricultural Policies Gian Marco Centinaio speaking at the launch event of Adnkronos Wine, the new journalistic information channel on the Adnkronos.com portal, the result of the collaboration between the Agency and Vendemmie.com, launched by Mww Media, the publishing company of Mww Group. “We need more and more Italians to talk about wine – said Centinaio – because 90% of those who consume wine do not have technical skills and therefore we need to reach those people, the 45% of young people who, according to a recent survey, never have drank a glass of wine even though we have 55% of under 40s who regularly consume it in a moderate way, thinking about quality and territoriality “. “The objective we must have is this, – he added – behind a glass of wine, a territory is told above all and a glass of wine, for me, is essential to become a tourist package of Italy because we tell about a winery, a vineyard , the winemakers the history of that family and that territory “.