Di Stefano: ‘Wine has enormous unexpressed potential, making it known in the world’

“Wine is one of our flagship products and ambassador in the world and has very wide margins for growth. Thank you for the invitation and for the work you will do on this portal”. This is what the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Manlio Di Stefano said speaking at the launch event of Adnkronos Wine, the new journalistic information channel on the Adnkronos.com portal, the result of the collaboration between the Agency and Vendemmie.com, launched by Mww Media, the publishing company of the Mww Group. The sector, explained Di Stefano, “has enormous unexpressed potential, we must not overestimate ourselves, in the sense that there is a world of wine known in Europe and still unknown in parts of the world with very high potential such as Asia, South East Asia. , regions of the world that have double digits in both demographic and economic growth and on which we have to do enormous work “Di Stefano said at the meeting moderated by Federico Luperi, Director of Innovation and New Media at Adnkronos. “When the average wealthy user of South East Asia goes to buy wine, he certainly knows Champagne and then gets lost in a thousand Italian labels. – adds Di Stefano – Providing information means letting these people know the difference between all excellent wines because when you don’t know you rely on the only one you know, which may be Champagne. This is an excellent, possible result for the future “.