Generali: Cirasola, ‘a place on the board for agents, managers come and go, we stay’

A seat on the board of Generali agents to give value to those who, every year, bring 10 billion in collections to the company. Vincenzo Cirasola, president of the General Agents Italy Group asks the two contenders who are fighting for control of the Lion of Trieste. Lists closed and assembly in sight, but the package of shares in the hands of the agents represents, according to Cirasola, much more than a simple percentage to be taken to one of the two sides on the field. ” 10 million shares are nothing compared to Del Vecchio and the others – he says to Adnkronos – and on the 29th each of us will go to vote freely, but on the two lists I remember that we collect 10 billion a year in bonuses in Italy and if we start from the fact that the assets of Generali are the customers and we are the contact with the customers, I believe that having a role on the board of directors is fundamental and very important also at a strategic level ”. Of course, agents are already listened to by the company today ” but at the level of industrial relations – he explains – which is different from strategies. We are a strategic asset, also highlighted by independent research. Abroad these models of representation already exist, here in Italy this culture is lacking, but giving a role to agents in corporate governance also means better supervising what is to be considered the company’s assets ”. Cirasola recalls that after all, Generali is a mercantile company that presents itself with 76 billion in premiums and 67 million customers. But who has the customers in hand in the end? Who manages them? ”. And when it comes to costs Cirasola believes that it is necessary to clarify what it means. ” it is okay to cut costs and increase profits, it is in the logic of things and in the wishes of every manager, but what does it mean? Costs also affect our business. Are we a cost or an investment? This is why a representation on the board of directors would have its own reason. What value would a partner like this have without the distribution network? In the many years that I have been here I have seen managers. Here, we can say that managers come and go, we stay ”.