Gasoline and diesel prices on the rise in Italy, how much it costs per liter today

The price of petrol and diesel is back to increase today in Italy. Here is how much it costs today according to the survey by Staffetta Quotidiana and Quotidiano Energia. This morning Eni increased the recommended diesel prices by two cents per liter, while for Tamoil there was an increase of two cents / liter on petrol and diesel. The price averages of the Price Observatory of the Ministry of Economic Development see self-service petrol at 1,775 euros / liter (+5 thousandths, 1,780 white pump companies 1,763), diesel to 1,774 euros / liter (+6, 1,777 companies, white pumps 1,767). LPG served is € 0.853 / liter (unchanged, companies 0.855, white pumps 0.851), methane served at € 2.199 / kg (-15, companies 2.306, white pumps 2.117), while LNG 2.849, € / kg (- 9, companies 2,857 euros / kg, white pumps 2,842 euros / kg).