Inps, from January to today 4,497,281 applications for single and universal allowance for 7,259,181 children

From the beginning of the year to date, there are 7,259,181 children for whom the single and universal allowance has been requested through 4,497,281 applications received by INPS. Until 30 June it will be possible to submit the application with the acknowledgment of all the arrears, calculated starting from March 2022. Virtually almost all the applications have been processed in an automated way. Those under examination at the offices for non-automated checks are only 0.5%. No documentation was requested from citizens and all the information necessary for the investigation was found from INPS archives or from other entities connected in interoperability with INPS (Anpr, Revenue Agency, Ministry of the Interior, Miur etc). Only for less than 0.5% of the applications were citizens asked for documentation to prove that they met the requisites, when this documentation was not automatically retrieved from the databases of the public administrations. check for applications received in April, which already amounted to over 392 thousand. Payments for April applications will be initiated in the first week of May, along with check renewals for previously received applications. After June 30, the check will run from the month following the month of submission and payment is made from the month following the submission of the application. The universal single allowance (Auu) is paid to families through a simple and innovative procedure. The application can be submitted on the Inps website, or via patronage or contact center. For applications submitted by June 30, 2022, checks will be paid, if due, starting from March. It is not necessary to have an ISEE at the time of the application, in the absence of this indicator, or in the presence of an ISEE higher than 40 thousand euros, the check is paid anyway, but calculated at the minimum amount provided for by the law. The recipients of rdc do not have to apply, but the check will be recognized automatically by the INPS.The procedure for allowing users to apply for Auu has been designed taking into account the vastness and heterogeneity of the audience of potential applicants (about 7 million, according to government estimates). It is therefore an extremely simple, intuitive, usable procedure, which allows you to submit the application providing very little data (in most cases only the tax code of the children and the other parent, if any, and the payment methods chosen), select a few flags (which certify the possession of one of the requirements set by the standard or allow a choice between different solutions) and complete the compilation of the online pages and send the application in a few minutes. The user accesses the procedure with Spid: he will then find his personal data pre-filled in the first page (after the home page that presents the various applications that allow the application and its management). He must then enter the data of the children, one child at a time. The pages to be filled in are a maximum of 3, they are navigable, and the user can always go back to a previous one to modify the data already entered. On the first page, enter the tax code of the child and the other parent, indicate if the child is disabled and select some options regarding the family unit. The methods of distribution of the allowance must then be chosen (100% to the applicant, or 50% shared between the parents), and the declarations regarding the possession of the requirements for the right to the increases provided for by the law must be flagged. On the second page, the payment methods must be entered, which can be an iban, a bank transfer domiciled at a post office, a prepaid card with iban, a postal booklet, and even a foreign current account (Sepa area). In agreement with the other parent, the applicant, even in the case of a 50% split, can enter the bank details of the other parent. All coordinates provided will be subjected to proof of ownership at the time of payment. The choices on the distribution and payment methods can also be changed at a later time after submitting the application and even after the first payments.On the third page, the applicant must flag the possession of the citizenship, residence and residence requirements and accept personal data by INPS. At this point he can send the application, immediately receiving the presentation receipt and a summary of all the contents of the application. The pages already filled in can be saved in draft, and resumed at a later time. Next to each data to be entered or flag / option to be selected there are information, which guide the user (using simple, non-bureaucratic language). To support users, on the home page of the procedure, the faqs are then published, continuously updated on the basis of dialogue (also via social media) with citizens. The application can also be submitted via the app, available on a smartphone. After submitting the application, applicants for the grant can consult the submitted applications online, by accessing them from the same home page as the procedure. They can also modify the applications already sent, check the status of payments, month by month, check the calculation made to determine the amount, they can integrate the application, if they consider it, attaching documentation and requesting its review, under certain conditions. The other parent can in turn (optionally) change their payment details and the distribution of the check, always by accessing this section of the home page. All the changes made to the data of the application are automatically intercepted and start a new investigation for the review of the law and the measure of the allowance.The single universal allowance, thanks also to INPS, is paid to give support to families with dependent children. The single universal allowance (Auu), established by legislative decree of 29 December 2021, number 230, is in fact an economic support to families attributed for each dependent child starting from the seventh month of pregnancy and up to the age of 21 (upon recurrence of certain conditions), with no age limit for disabled children. It is paid for the period between March of each year and February of the following year, and varies according to the economic condition of the family unit in which the child is present, in relation to the indicator of the equivalent economic situation (Isee), to the age and number of children, as well as any situations of their disability. The allowance replaces various other benefits provided in favor of parenting, including family allowances, birth premiums, baby bonuses, deductions on dependent children, loan fund for new parents. The decree defines the requirements of citizenship, residence in Italy, residence, subject to the payment of taxes in Italy, which applicants must possess, for the entire duration of the service. On the level of economic requirements, however, there is no limitation, therefore all families with dependent children up to 21 years of age (and disabled adults) will be entitled to the disbursement of the allowance regardless of their income and ISEE. monthly allowance for each minor child ranges from a maximum of 175 euros per month (Isee below 15 thousand euros) to a minimum of 50 euros (Isee above 40 thousand euros or absent). For adult children (within 21 years, not disabled) the amount varies between 85 and 25 euros. To these amounts are then added the increases, for large families and for working parents, as well as, temporarily, for those who received anf in 2021 and have an ISEE of less than 25 thousand euros. As of April 4, 2022, 4,238,009 applications for Auu have been received for a total of 6,866,511 children. As of February 28, 3,080,259 applications had been received for 4,984,949 children. The regions with the highest number of applications were Lombardy (17.8%), Campania (10.2%), Lazio (9.5%), Sicily (8.5%), Veneto (8%). About half of the applications were sent by patronages, of these about 20% in application cooperation, a method of mass transmission of data electronically, which INPS has made available to patronages, which uses the interoperability model between IT systems ‘Modi’ defined by Agid (transmission of xml files). In March, the allowances paid were approximately 4.8 million, and therefore covered almost all the children for whom an application had been made by February and also by the first days of March. In total, checks amounting to € 700,755,198 million were paid in March. About 98% of users chose a bank transfer as their payment method.