Bper, ok Shareholders’ Meeting on balance sheet and dividend of 0.06 euros

Green light from the Shareholders’ Meeting of Bper Banca to the statutory financial statements for the financial year 2021 and the proposal for the allocation of the profit, resolving the distribution of a unitary cash dividend equal to 0.06 euros for each of the 1,413,263,512 shares representing the share capital (net of those that will be held in the portfolio at the coupon detachment date), for a maximum total amount of 84,795,810.72 euros. This was announced by Bper in a press release. The dividend will be paid from May 25, 2022 (payment date), with coupon detachment date (ex date) Monday May 23, 2022 and payment legitimation date pursuant to art. 83-terdecies of the TUF (record date) Tuesday 24 May 2022. The Shareholders’ Meeting also approved the first and second sections of the 2022 Report on the remuneration policy and on the remuneration paid, respectively by binding and non-binding resolution; compensation plans based on financial instruments pursuant to art. 114-bis of the Consolidated Law on Finance, short and long term, as described in the respective information documents; the authorization for the purchase (for a period of eighteen months) and the disposal (without time limits) of own shares to service the long-term incentive plan ‘Ilt Plan 2022-2024′, the Mbo 2022 incentive system and subsequent years , as well as any severance payments, which provide for the payment of quotas of the variable component of remuneration through the assignment of ordinary shares of Bper Banca, under the terms and conditions contained in the Explanatory Report of the Board of Directors to the Shareholders’ Meeting. The authorization relates to a maximum number of 13,667,067 ordinary shares for a total value of approximately 26 million euros. The Shareholders’ Meeting also approved the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors for the years 2022 and 2023, in line with the proposal contained in the related Explanatory Report; the integration of the fees of Deloitte & Touche SpA, the company entrusted with the statutory audit of the accounts for the period 2017-2025, within the terms proposed by the Board of Statutory Auditors.