Caccia, 6 out of 10 Italians say no

The majority of Italian citizens declare themselves opposed to hunting (63.5%), compared to 36.5% who express their opinion in favor. This was revealed by the Eurispes Italy 2021 Report which records a decrease in the indications of the opposites compared to 2016 when they represented 68.5%. Women show greater sensitivity on the issue: 74.7% of women against it against 52.1% of men. As far as hunting is concerned, young people between 18 and 24 years old prove to be the most tolerant category towards a practice of this kind (45% of favorable), unlike the band between 45 and 64 years, which represents the one that is opposed more strongly, with only 31.5% in favor. Politically, as far as hunting is concerned, the category that recognizes itself on the left is the one that expresses its consent to a lesser extent (28.6% of favorable responses), followed by the one that feels close to the center (29.8%) , while among those who recognize themselves in the center-right and in the right, this percentage grows significantly, reaching, respectively, 45.5% and 52.2% of the answers.