Covid, mandatory vaccine? Debate opens, yes for public employees and supermarkets

Anyone in contact with the public has a duty to get vaccinated. And this applies to public employees as well as to cashiers and shop assistants in supermarkets and food shops. This is what emerges from a brief survey by Adnkronos among some representatives of different categories of workers but united by the direct relationship with citizens: Unadis, the union of state managers and Fida, the federation of food retailers and organized distribution of Confcommercio. A hypothesis that arises in recent days in the face of the spread of covid infections for the delta variant and which is suggested by Guido Rasi, former director of EMA and consultant to the Coronavirus emergency commissioner, Francesco Paolo Figliuolo. And it is a duty that is combined with the right to health enshrined in the Constitution for public employees, according to Barbara Casagrande, Unadis general secretary. “Whoever is in contact with the public must absolutely get vaccinated. -Says Casagrande, Unadis Secretary General at Adnkronos- We manage public structures and we have also moved fragile people but those who work in presence, in a public office, must be able to guarantee a service that responds to the constitutional right to health “. “A citizen must not risk getting sick with Covid if he goes to a public office”, remarks the representative of the leaders of the ministries and all central administrations. A similar position is expressed by the representative of the traders, Donatella Prampolini, president of Fida Confcommercio. “I believe that those in daily contact with people have the precise duty to be vaccinated, and if they do not get there by themselves, it is right that a directive comes from above. In short, – Prampolini emphasizes – for me, the obligation of the vaccine for staff working in supermarkets and local food stores “. Otherwise, imposing the green pass on citizens to go shopping “would be impracticable: – Prampolini argues – we cannot prevent those who are not vaccinated or who have not swabs immediately from entering to shop for food. Furthermore, it would be impossible for us to control access. “